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ENR Names Giroux Glass in Top 600 Specialty Contractors for 2022

Coming in at #345 on the "Top 600 List of Specialty Contractors, 2022," Giroux Glass is poised for an outstanding 2023 fiscal year. The company was ranked ninth in the nation within the Glazing and Curtain Wall specialty niche, among over 19,000 glaziers.

Explaining Low-E Glass for Energy Efficient Applications

With low-E coated glass, it is possible to have a beautiful, natural light-filled structure while maintaining energy efficiency. Here we explain what low-E glass is and how it works. We also outline important considerations when choosing low-E coated glass for your building or structure.

The Top Five Reasons to Renovate your Lobby

If it’s been many years since its last renovation, your lobby is probably due for an update. The Giroux Glass team can recommend countless options for entrances, storefronts, hardware and other lobby features—all of which have advanced technologically in the years since you last replaced them.

Frameless Shower Enclosures and Shower Doors

No matter the bathroom’s design, when it comes to shower doors, most people prefer glass enclosures without frames. Here are some considerations when making your shower enclosure choice.